An Inclusive & Progressive Church

North Decatur Presbyterian is an inter-generational Christian community that worships, learns, and serves together. Children and adults sing, read Scripture, grow as disciples of Jesus, explore theological mysteries, expand our faith, engage in activism for justice, and witness God’s love in our own relationships.

A Community Committed to Love

Founded in 1955, and boasting iconic mid-century architecture (some in our Medlock neighborhood nicknamed us “the canned ham”), North Decatur Presbyterian is a 375-member PCUSA congregation that celebrates the gifts of all of God’s people. We have had women in leadership roles and have been a welcoming church for LGBTQ Christians for decades.

Our philosophy “Be The Church” recognizes that NDPC is more than buildings, pastors, elders, and staff; it’s a community that strives to act as the Body of Christ in the world. 

Our compassion and commitment to the world around us is matched by our dedication to one another. The love and support that is fostered within the congregation helps galvanize members to work to bring about a world that reflects God’s radical love for all of creation.

Progressive Theology

We teach and share in the tradition of a Creator God who loves the world by taking human form in Jesus Christ and who sends the Holy Spirit to be with us and for us. We believe Christ’s dream for humanity is one of interdependence and mutual obligation. God loves us all — no exceptions — and God’s grace extends to people of every faith and of no faith. Our theological vision of a liberating God inspires us to work to uproot systems of dominance and oppression, with members taking active roles in the civil rights movement and Black Lives Matter, feminism, the antiwar and anti-nuclear movements, environmental justice, and full equality for the LGBTQI community.

Commitment to Service

Engaging in service to others offers us a taste of “God’s kin-dom” in which our  deep interconnectedness becomes real.  This “taste of heaven” is wonderfully addictive, with members finding themselves continually drawn more deeply into lives of service. North Decatur Presbyterian Church offers many ways to serve, both within the congregation, within the greater Atlanta area, and in the wider world.

Caring Community

Our community groups help forge and strengthen our bonds, and often lead to lifelong friendships. Our groups are organized in a variety of ways: around stage of life, by gender expression, by neighborhood, and by common interests. Explore the different ways to get involved on our page, Be The Church, and find the right group for you.

Raising Children & Youth in faith

Since our church’s founding in 1955, young people have been central to the life of our congregation. We value children and youth, and take great care of their emotional and spiritual development, as well as provide support for parents. We offer Sunday School for Children (Infancy – 5th grade) and Youth (6th – 12th grade).

Worshiping God

Worship is the heartbeat NDPC. It nourishes our spirits and prepares us to take our best selves out into the world. Our worship has traditional elements of liturgy, enhanced by stunning visual offerings by our member artists. Sermons are smart and engaging. Music is diverse in style, with a mix of traditional, contemporary, and gospel song . The vibe is friendly and engaged, dress is come-as-you are. Weekly services are also live-streamed and recorded for you to watch at home.

Supporting parents

Raising kids is hard. Raising kids in a religious tradition is even trickier. NDPC creates a space for parents from all walks of life to make friends, learn “best practices,” share resources, care for and console one another, and celebrate the beautiful burden of parenting.

Curious to know more about NDPC? Visit our next Inquirer’s Class.


A Proud Member of the PCUSA

We are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This means we participate in a wider community of Christians committed to undoing structural racism, to ordaining women and members of the LGBTQI community as pastors and elders, and to embracing scripture, tradition, science, and personal and collective experience in our search for spiritual wisdom. Being a member of the PCUSA also means that our church is led by its members. “Presbyters” (the Greek word for elder) are elected by each congregation to serve on our governing board and oversee every aspect of the church’s life. Learn more about the PCUSA.