Sunday service: 11AM. Join us this Sunday in-person or online!

8:45 AM – Contemplative Worship Service (every 4th Sunday of the month)

Guest Preacher – Dr. Jennifer Harvey: “Let the Little Children Do What?”

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey will be our guest preacher on Sunday, September 2nd at 10:00 am. 

Seeking to the live the gospel means embracing the difficult but life-giving work of allowing what we “know” to be turned on its head. Over and over and over again. But what about our kids? What does the gospel mean when it comes to challenging or insulating them, exposing or protecting them? What is their role in the biblical call to do justice and love kindness and walk humbly? Here too, we are called to open ourselves to the life-giving possibility that we must turn received wisdom on its head for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Dr. Harvey is a writer, speaker, and professor at Drake University. She is the author of Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America (Abingdon, 2018), which asks the complicated questions involved in raising children to be active and able participants in a world of racial tensions. She will be speaking later that day at the Decatur Book Festival where her books are available for purchase and signing. If you’d like her to sign your book, you will need to order it in advance through an online bookseller.  We recommend independent ones with online retail capacities like Charis Books (that also has a monthly anti-racism parenting group) or order-for-local-pick up at Tall Tales (from a beloved bookseller like our own Susan Diffendorfer). 

Dr. Jennifer Harvey’s work focuses on racial justice and white anti-racism. She is also the author of Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation (Wm. B. Eerdmans). Dr. Harvey has contributed to The New York Times and Huffington Post and is a widely sought-after public speaker and workshop facilitator. She lives in Des Moines, Iowa. Read more at

Please invite friends and neighbors to this service and share the Facebook post about her presence at NDPC. Thank you. 

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