Sunday service: 11AM. Join us this Sunday in-person or online!

8:45 AM – Contemplative Worship Service (every 4th Sunday of the month)


The Sermon on the Mount is Matthew’s vision for the Christian life. Christians are to be “salt and light,” a demonstration plot of God’s Beloved Community on earth. But the Sermon issues so many commandments that are so stringent, it seems to many of us to be an impossible standard to meet. What if you read the Sermon on the Mount not as a set of rules to obey, but as an invitation to receive God’s perpetual gift of transformation toward individual and communal integrity? You are not perfect, but in God, you are being perfected. (Matthew 5:43-48)

Bring Your Bible To Church: Our 2nd graders will receive their own Bibles–a gift to them, from you! Celebrate the gift of the Holy Scripture by bringing with you to worship a Bible that has been important in your life to show and share.

October Sermon Series: Distinctively Christian

One biting criticism of the church in our time is that Christians look and act just like everyone else. American Christianity focuses on “middle class values.” What might a church of practicing Christians look, sound, and act like? What practices are distinctively Christian? In this 3-part sermon series, we explore the “ekklesia” in the Gospel of Matthew as a community that forms disciples of Jesus.


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